Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Vote Glassie for council...

This should do the trick (see my profile notes)
Who could resist this honest, friendly persona?
No answers required!!


  1. The face looks honest - come up here and stand for Whangarei then we can vote for you.

  2. If you can fiddle the register, I'll vote for you. Fiddle it really well and I'll see to it that you win. No questions; know what I mean!

  3. Thanks for the encouragement, They call me honest john so no fiddling of votes. Actually only 25% of rate payers take the trouble to get off their bums and vote on polling day.
    Whangarei... mmm sounds very much like Whakatane maybe we should remove the ffff sound and send a couple of h's to wanganui!!

  4. I think we should tell SH that we knew each other in short trousers at The Abbey!

  5. But you said you were at school with Edward the Confessor, that makes you a lot older than me!!

  6. He was in the upper 6th, whilst I was still in the lower 4th.

  7. Is that right that you also went to The Abbey - you must have known Cro almost as long as I have!!!!!!!!!
