Friday, April 16, 2010



I would rather be hit by a tram
Than eat a plate full of spam
Sickly, Putrid, Absolutely Mucky
Definitely not food, more like a sham
Awful, ghastly, completely yucky.
Don’t give it to Sadam
A weapon of mass destruction is spam.
With spam Hitler would have won the war
It tastes like wet cardboard and wool from a lamb
Once sampled you will never ask for more.
Strangely Pale Abstract Meat
That’s spam
To make it they use a very old ram
Mix in cold cabbage and dead elephant feet
Then force it at gun point into a can


  1. I once saw a TV documentary about the US Spam factory. There was something 'final solution' about it. Thousands of live pigs entered at one end each day, and at the other end hundreds of lorries took away the tins. It was on a HUGE scale. Who eats this suff? Not I.

  2. For 'suff', please read 'stuff'. Woops.
