Sunday, October 2, 2011

Can the NZ All Blacks win the Rugby World Cup? Now that Super star Dan Carter is out of the running we are all concerned and fearful of defeat. Fancy that, one man out of fifteen has got all NZ Rugby fans breaking out in a cold sweat.
In the scheme of things, namely... Riots and mahem throughout the world, drop in confidence regarding the NZ Dollar and the end of the world predicted for 2012... why are we concerned with a game where men get into huddles, kick an egg shaped ball and make passes to other players.
Anyway trout fishing season opened last Saturday and yours truly nabbed a couple of beauties.

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1 comment:

  1. Just as handsome as you were in short trousers.... Me too, by the way!

    My advice: Don't listen to the news on radio or TV, and don't buy newspapers. That way all is fine, and as long as there's plenty of sand about (to bury one's head in), all will be well.
